We know your life is busy. You have a lot of things going on—you’re charged with not only raising money, but doing it with less time and fewer resources.

I’ve followed a lot of blogs over the last 18 years. While there are a lot of good things out there, there hasn’t been one blog that consistently offers practical ideas and insights (without blatantly self-promoting their services) to help fundraisers and planned giving professionals be more successful in their day-to-day lives.

The Stelter Insight blog aims to give you tips and takeaways that you can apply to your own life as a fundraising professional. We don’t waste your time, because we know you don’t have it to waste. Instead, we take from our years of experience and our insights into cutting edge research and trends as well as our daily interactions and conversations with thousands of professionals just like you to provide the best information and insight to inspire you and your team to succeed.

I hope you find this weekly dose of insights helpful and enjoyable to read. If you do, don’t hesitate to let us know and/or share with your peers.

All the best!

Nathan Stelter
Nathan Stelter
The Stelter Company